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Disability Support Services housing modifications

Disability Support Services funded housing modifications for disabled people

Disability Support Services (DSS) funds Enable New Zealand to provide housing modification services. Our services are for eligible disabled people living in these areas:

  • North Island: all areas south of the Bombay Hills

  • South Island, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands.

We act as an independent moderator and expert advisor to DSS. And we coordinate building industry experts to provide structural solutions to meet a person’s disability-related needs.

Find out more about our housing modifications service in this short video.

Video duration 4:41

Housing advisory services

Our technical housing advisors ensure that building plans meet all requirements. For example, the New Zealand Building Code, local authority requirements, relevant legislation and budgets. They also liaise with our design and build services.

Professional advisory services

Our professional advisors ensure the housing modifications meet the person’s disability-related needs.

Learn more about our professional advisory services

Learn about our housing outreach services for EMS assessors

Design and build service

We manage a design and build service forDSS-funded housing modifications. We use a variety of consultants and builders and engage them directly.

Enable New Zealand housing contractors & consultants

Referrals to our housing modification service

Occupational therapists (OT) who are approved or credentialed Equipment and Modification Services (EMS) assessors can refer a person to our service.

Visit our EMS assessor service centre section

Enquiries about our housing modification service

Please contact the Service Manager, Housing, at our Head Office, Palmerston North.

Contact Enable New Zealand

Information for our clients

Before funding can be approved, the person must have an assessment with an occupational therapist (OT). The OT must be an approved or credentialed Equipment and Modification Services (EMS) assessor.

Read about Disability Support Services (part of the Ministry of Social Development)