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Explanation of the view order dashboard tiles

Tiles are workload queues containing the orders/items that require actioning/reviewing. Clicking on the tile, the user is presented with a filtered list for that workload queue.

To view, click Dashboard > View Order Assessor.

Red boarder highlighting draft request, waiting info, trials in progress and more within the MRES App.



Draft Requests

Draft orders are not added to Open Orders count until submitted.

Waiting Info

This tile is currently not in use.

Trial in Progress

Trial orders with equipment supported for trial with the client.

Trials Coming Due

Trial orders with trial end date coming due.

Hire Ending

Orders with equipment hired from suppliers / hire companies for a fixed period of time with end date coming due.

Open Orders

Click the Open Orders tile to view orders that are not ‘Completed’ as they are progressing through MRES workflows.