Mobile face-to-face or telehealth consultations to support credentialed EMS Assessors with complex wheelchairs / seating or postural management solutions.
What this service offers
A mobile service in various locations or telehealth consultations if appropriate
The ability to access timely, cost effective and appropriate solutions for the person to meet long term wheelchair, seating and postural management needs
Clinical advice and support from an a Clinical Service Advisor who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in wheelchair, seating and postural management, or lying supports
Assistance in identifying product parameters and consideration or selection of appropriate equipment. (Within Disability Support Services (formally managed by Whaikaha | Ministry of Disabled People) access criteria)
Access to refurbished equipment and components for trial
Technician support both at the clinic and during the trial process
Pressure mapping assessment tools to assist in choosing cushions and/or back supports may be available
Mentorship - Opportunity for learning: new colleagues can come to acquire technical skills and knowledge
A review service in response to the persons change in disability need.
Clinical reasonings for your person to attend this specialist clinic
Assistance with assessing and scripting custom complex seating
Support with new technology
Scripting manual (MWH) or power wheelchairs(PWC), where the EMS Assessor may need assistance problem solving the essential features required
People with low sitting tolerance or pressure areas where the EMS Assessor needs assistance problem solving solutions (often numerous options may have already been explored)
Power add-on units where work or study Disability Support Services access criteria is not met
Non-panel PWC’s
A second configurable MWC, where the EMS Assessor is unsure if essential criteria is met
Lying supports to discuss the range of products available and what will best meet the person's needs
Fine tuning alternative controls, alongside an equipment supplier/company representative and/or technicians
A face-to-face review is required due to the complexity of the situation and the client’s disability-related needs.
We do not accept referrals in these situations:
Where the Disability Support Services access criteria is clearly not met
Assessment of the person's mobility, seating, lying and postural needs on behalf of an EMS Assessor
Assessment of the person's safety operating a PWC
Assessment for short term loan equipment
Assessment of equipment to facilitate discharge from a Health New Zealand hospital
To facilitate repairs or maintenance of the wheelchair or seating components
The fabrication or supply of specialised seating for a vehicle
Where an outcome summary has already been provided via Mandatory Request for EMS Advice.
Where a Person can have their proposed solution reviewed through our standard Advisory Service (Request for EMS Advice).
Who can refer a Person
We accept referrals from EMS Assessors accreditedin Wheeled Mobility and Postural Management Level 1 or Level 2 (WMPM L1 or WMPM L2).
If you are not accredited in WMPM L1 you can refer a person with a colleague who has WMPM L1 or WMPM L2 accreditation. You will both need to attend the clinic appointment if possible
Find out how to book a clinic appointment
More information
Download the Wheelchair, seating and lying support outreach brochure
For further information, please contact:
The Advisory and Outreach Teams Coordinator at