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Firstport team support neuroinclusive workplace

How can we create a space where our neurodivergent community are not just accepted, but have every opportunity to thrive?

Members of our Enable New Zealand team manage the popular national disability information and advice website This month, they are releasing a new neuroinclusivity guide for the workplace, with the input of the experts at Autism New Zealand.

“There’s plenty out there about the value of having a neurodiverse workforce,” said Enable’s Communications Manager Victoria Rose, “We challenged ourselves to create an easy-to-use guide which could support not only Enable New Zealand’s own inclusivity journey, but our neurodivergent colleagues across the motu.”

“In addition to feedback from our own Enable People & Culture team, we were fortunate to receive valuable advice from our friends at Autism New Zealand.”

The guide is a series of thought-starters for people leaders to support conversations they have with their team to help them thrive. It’s also set up to help equip those who identify as neurodivergent with clear language to communicate their needs to their team.

“Firstport is your first port of call for disability information and advice in Aotearoa, this guide is one more resource to enable our community to have the right conversations and access supports. The range of these is huge when you take an Enabling Good Lives lens through our guide. They could be mainstream supports like a manager supplying headphones for sensory support, or specialised support like grants aimed to help our community get into the workforce.”

“What’s critical is empowering our community to thrive through knowing they can ask for these supports and employers knowing how they can create a highly productive workplace.”

Check out this new guide on Growing a neuroinclusive workplace » Firstport is funded by Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People to provide disability information and advice across Aoteaora New Zealand. From education, to employment, funding, transport and more; it sets New Zealanders in the right direction, connecting them to support so they can live everyday lives in their communities